Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Graphic re-design

It gets to a point where art starts imitating life, life starts imitating literature I’ve read and I’ve now got to the point where I’d like to sink into the graphic design of our work/home in my very image. It is clichéd to wish for a graphic make over but essentially that is what I’d like. I’m lucky in the respect I have the Summer to prepare for another academic year, and every Summer I try to immerge for a chrysalis of drudge to start a fresh, from ducking to erm…….mid-century modern swan.

Etsy! Etsy! Etsy!

Exciting News! We are about to launch our very 1st Etsy shop. Check back for the details soon…..

A return to Clarke

I think I’ve already eluded to the fact the 'Art-man' and I have a lot of books, many of these are on the subject of cooking. Whilst I/we enjoy cooking I’m conscious of not becoming too curvy, something that seems to have happened recently…so action needs to be taken.

A nutritional ‘fairy godmother’ I often turn to is nutritionist, Jane Clarke.  Clarke’s take on food/diets/complaints is akin to that of a gentle friend, observing the situation and stating the last thing we need to do is panic- just nurture. To do this common sense and gentle exercise is the key-obvious but often hard when you are not happy with the skin you’re in.

Check Jane out, and begin to breathe:  Love you Jane!